If you’re one of the lucky people who doesn’t have a Christmas or early January bid deadline, you might already be planning some tasks you can get done in a quieter period when the phones aren’t ringing and your email inbox isn’t going into meltdown.
One thing you could use the time for is to tidy up your knowledge base. We all know capturing knowledge and keeping it up to date is a good idea, but we also know it can be hard to make the time for it when there always seems to be something more urgent jumping to the front of the queue.
But making time to nurture your knowledge base – setting aside just a small amount of time on a regular basis for reviewing and updating your content – can make a huge difference to your speed and efficiency when working on bids. Since we started using Knowledge Central to manage our bid content at Onto the Page, we estimate that we now save a minimum of 60% effort per bid, giving us more time to fully tailor our answers and drastically improving the chance of creating a winning bid.

So why not make an early New Year’s Resolution to introduce a proper knowledge capture process into your bidding model, capturing content and updating your library after every bid?
With Knowledge Central you don’t even have to spend time deciding which folder to keep your content in, you just upload your document, give it a title, and add keywords to help you and the team find the right piece of information when you need it next – that’s all there is to it!
If you’d like some help getting started, speak to our Knowledge and Content Manager Kate on (0113) 225 6098 or [email protected]